My Profile
Referral Agency Information
Relationship to Client
Referral Agency Point of Contact
Referring Agency Name
First Name
Last Name
How long have you known the client?
Has Client given permission for us to contact them?
Potential Client Information
Case #
First and Last Name
Date of Birth
Current City
Marital Status
Are you a United States Citizen?
Legal Foreign National
Sexual Identity
Prefer not to answer
If other, Please give a short explanation:
Individual Identifies as a Victim / Survivor of:
Domestic Sex Trafficking
International Sex Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Family Member of a Victim/Survivor
Individual was trafficked:
As a child
As an adult
Approximate Exit date:
How many children does the client have?
Names and ages of Children
Is client currently Pregnant?
-- Please Select --
Potential Due Date
Does the Client have child care?
Are they receiving Child support of any kind? If yes, explain
Does client need items or clothing for a baby under the age of 3 years old?
-- Please Select --
Are any of the children enrolled in School?
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Is CPS involved in any way with the client and their children? If yes, please explain.
Do any of the children have any emotional or physical challenges? If yes, please explain.
What is their current housing situation?
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Please explain current Housing situation, including names of any residential programs currently residing in.
Is client currently looking for a Residential Program? If so, which kind?
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Is client currently on a waiting list for housing or residential safe housing?
Is client currently in a HUD program?
Is the client currently employed?
-- Please Select --
If employed, where
How long have they been employed?
If unemployed, is client currently looking for a job?
Please list any area of interest or experience.
Is client receiving any government funding? If so, what?
Does client have any transportation?
-- Please Select --
Would client be interested in any of the following? (Check all that apply)
What is the clients highest level of education
Is client currently enrolled in a GED program?
-- Please Select --
Is client currently enrolled in a certification program or college?
-- Please Select --
If yes, please explain where and field of study
Is client interested in any of the following?
-- Please Select --
Does client have access to a computer and the internet?
-- Please Select --
Is the client interested in tutoring services?
-- Please Select --
Physical and Mental Health
Does client currently have any health issues? Please, explain.
Does client have a primary doctor. If so, please list name and contact information
Does Client have health insurance? If so, please name who with and policy number
Is client currently taking any medication? If so, please list what medication and what for?
Is client currently seeing a therapist?
-- Please Select --
Has client been diagnosed by a therapist with any mental disorders? If so, please list
Is client currently having feelings of hurting themselves or someone else?
-- Please Select --
Is client currently having thoughts about returning back to the life?
-- Please Select --
Is the client currently self harming?
-- Please Select --
Does client have a good support network?
-- Please Select --
Is client open to attending an in person or online Survivor led support group
-- Please Select --
Is client currently suffering from an addiction of any kind? (Sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.)
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If yes, please explain
Does client have a current sobriety date? if so, what is it?
Does client have a drug of choice? If so, what?
Is client open to attending NA / AA or any other recovery groups?
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Does client currently need help with their recovery?
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If so, is client open to a residential recovery program for addictions?
Legal Issues
Does client have any current misdemeanors or felonies on their record? If so, explain when and for what.
Does client have any current legal representation?
-- Please Select --
Is client looking to have their record expunged?
-- Please Select --
Is client currently on probation or parole?
-- Please Select --
Is the clients Trafficker currently incarcerated?
-- Please Select --
Is there an open or pending case against the clients Trafficker?
-- Please Select --
Is there anything else we should know about any legal issues for this client?
General Economic Empowerment Needs
Does client need essential everyday items for you and/or your family? (Shampoo, soap, toothpaste, deo, etc.)
-- Please Select --
Please list all anti-trafficking and other nonprofits that the client has received services from
Does client need access to any of the following? (check all that apply)
Is there anything else about the client that you think we should know?
Please complete all required fields before submitting